Selling or Buying Real Estate in 2022
You have a real estate goal in 2022. Whether that goal is selling or buying yo you must have at least one question, is now the ‘right’ time?
Searching for that perfect home or selling a home in any market can be a daunting task. There are so many different items that need to be handled by an expert to ensure a successful transaction.
There are a multitude of issues that can arise even when buying or selling in a perfect market.
Have you started looking yet or gotten a ‘neighborhood market value’ yet?
Don’t worry. Time, and interest rates, are on your side. Home prices, while not necessarily dropping, aren’t rising.. That’s in your favor as well.
How long will this last? It could end next year, two years from now, later than that. It could That’s why they call the real estate market ‘volatile’ It’s had to predict what is going to have from month to month, year over year.
The home prices here are still stable despite all the accolades but we don’t expect that will stay that way forever! However, mortgage rates have been at a constant low these past few years and history tells us those rates never last. They always inch up which means that buyers may soon find they aren’t in the same price range as they were before the rate hike.
Heading into 2022, housing market experts are predicting a year of continued high demand and rising home prices. After a hectic year with many eager buyers and few homes on the market, the housing shortage will likely continue, though ease eventually. Buyers are still eager to move, but the low supply of homes on the market in many parts of the U.S. is contributing to rising home prices. As a result, it remains a seller’s market that benefits homeowners who are choosing to sell now.
If you’re on the fence about selling, you have a few choices: You can put your house up for sale soon to take advantage of the current demand, you can wait to see how interest rates and inflation play out as they relate to housing (though it could result in a missed opportunity), or you can opt to stay in your current home for the foreseeable future.
Here are three reasons you should sell your home in 2022, along with three reasons you may benefit from waiting:
- Sell in 2022: Interest rates are expected to rise, but remain fairly low.
- Sell in 2022: You’re ready to take advantage of buyer demand.
- Sell in 2022: You need to move.
- Wait to sell: You just refinanced.
- Wait to sell: You’re worried about affording your next purchase.
- Wait to sell: You’re worried about finding your next home.